Day 5
Day 5
Please complete the following in order.
Download Day 5: You will need these resources to complete this day:
Read and study BrandsFormation Binder for the section Getting the Appointment
- Reference and learn script from sales playbook and chuck’s material
1. Getting the Appointment. The next step in the Sales Process after Suspecting and Prospecting is Getting the Appointment and that starts with making the call
Picking up from yesterday’s training, always research before making a call.
2. Practice Your Goldfish Speech or your Elevator Speech
Answer who you are and why should I do business with you? You only have 30 seconds!
Make sure you cover the 5 following items:
State your name and business you’re with
Talk about your track record (if you don’t have one yet, talk about the company’s)
Mention your advertising results system or other benefits
Tell them the purpose of you being there
Ask for the appointment
Example: “Hi, my name is Sara Smith I’m with Zimmer Radio. I stopped by to see you because we have a successful track record with many businesses in the area (give a few examples). Has anyone ever shared with you a systematic way to get measurable advertising results? We have a system that I would like to share with you. It starts with a quick Business Profile to make sure I can help you and not waste your time. Would next Tuesday at 10am work?”
Practice, Practice, Practice! You will practice with your Director of Sales at the end of the day today.
REMEMBER: Your time is valuable and so is the business owner’s. Don’t waste anyone’s time. Always have a purpose for your call. Most calls will be to set an appointment for a business profile. However some calls will align with special promotions and Zimmer sales initiatives. These calls will be led by an idea, i.e. idea-led selling.
3. Handling Objections. The next step in the sales cycle is handling objections. You will likely have to work through several no’s to make a sale. This is normal. Persistence is key. Remember to prospect enough accounts so you aren’t dwelling on a single business’s response. Particularly when starting out, you’ll need to call on many businesses to be successful.
Know these common objections and work on overcoming them:
I’m too busy
My budget is spent
I’m already spending with someone else
You’re too expensive
I don’t like radio
No one listens to radio
I tried radio once and it didn’t work
We don’t advertise
We hate your format
I only do print
I sponsor a little league team and that’s enough
I only use digital advertising
Any of these objections can be overcome. Use The Feel, Felt, Found OR Active Listening Method:
Active Listen: “So, what I hear you saying is…”
Probe: “That’s interesting…tell me, how did you come to that conclusion?
Confirm: “So, you feel that (repeat their words exactly)…is that correct?”
The Turn Around: “You know, many of my current clients felt exactly the way you do now, before they started working with me and my company. What they found was ____.”
Achieve Objective: “I’d like the opportunity to do the same thing for you. It all starts with a business profile. How about Tuesday at 10am?”
Example. You’re too expensive!
You: “So, what you’re saying is that we are too expensive?
Advertiser: “Yes!”
You: “I’m curious..why do you say that we’re too expensive?”
Advertiser: “Because that’s what I heard!”
You: “So you feel that we’re too expensive because someone told you that?”
Advertiser: “Well, yes that’s what I’ve heard.”
You: “You know, many of my clients felt that way before they started working with me. Then once they got results, they realized their investment was very worth it.”
You: “I’d like the opportunity to do the same with you. It all starts with a quick business profile to see if I can actually help your business. Would next Tuesday at 10am work for you?
Tomorrow morning, you will present your goldfish speech and also you will practice all of the objections above with Active Listening.
At Zimmer, we believe in learning by doing. If you have questions, Ask! We are here to help you learn and succeed. You will be given feedback, coaching, and questions on your presentation.