RAB.com is a resource Zimmer’s sales staff receives by being a member of this organization.
1. Visit www.rab.com. The Radio Advertising Bureau website can be used as a research tool for AEs.
Browse the website:
1. Watch the orientation video if you have not already
2. Click Radio and Associate Members
3. Under Research, select Radio Resources, scroll down to Why Radio? Familiarize yourself with the data here. Write down 5 compelling reasons radio gets results.
4. Under Research, select Industry and Consumer Research, select Articles on Demand, search for an industry that interests you and read the latest article on that topic.
5. Go to Your Account, then Update Your Account. Make sure you are subscribed to receive Radio Sales Today, The Pitch, and RAB at work emails.
6. Continue using RAB emails and RAB.com as sales tools and research resources